Strict protection of your work may not be the best way for you. It does not fit with your business plan or your vision. Perhaps you are dealing with an initiative in the field of crowdsourcing or the sharing economy. The law also gives the possibility to share, with legal frameworks for open concepts.
Is sharing beneficial?
Delen biedt hele andere kansen voor uw zaak. Zoals bekendheid genereren of samen met anderen uw product verbeteren. Delen brengt ook risico’s met zich mee. Want waar ligt de grens en wie zijn er allemaal rechthebbende van het eindwerk?
Ook kunt u als bedrijf ervoor kiezen niet zelf te delen, maar wel werken te gebruiken die anderen aangeboden hebben om te delen.
Sharing offers very different opportunities for your business. Sharing can generate awareness or helps to validate your product together with others. But sharing also involves risks. For example, who are the rightholders of the final work?
Another option is to choose not to share yourself, but to use works that others have offered to share. A lot of initiatives are rising this time in our sharing economy. Feel welcome to discuss your idea.